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Equestrian use at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve



 The Kickapoo Valley Reserve has long been regarded among horse riding enthusiasts as one of the most beautiful destinations in the Midwest. The Reserve offers approximately 40 miles of riding trails. The Reserve shares a border with Wildcat Mountain State Park to the north with its 15 miles of horse trails. 

The trails that wind their way through the Reserve pass beneath towering limestone-capped sandstone rock outcroppings that overlook the Kickapoo River and its tributaries. Ascents and descents are numerous as the trail takes you over the valley's deeply carved terrain. Opportunities abound to observe wildlife along the trail as it stretches from the lush valley floor to the high ridges with their awe-inspiring vistas. 

Primitive camp areas are available on the Reserve that are accessible to vehicles with horse trailers. Willow and Mule Camp areas, located north of LaFarge off of State Highway 131, are traditional favorites for horse and mule riders. Camping is on a first-come, first-served basis.  All visitors are required to obtain a camping and/or use permit. Permits are available at the Reserve Visitor Center during regular business hours and online. 

Wildcat Mountain State Park offers 24 campsites that accommodate horse trailers with campers. Reservations are required. Additional trail passes are required for riders entering the state park trail system.


When planning your visit to the Reserve, please consider the following: 

 - The trail season runs from May 1 to November 15 in both the Reserve and Wildcat Mountain State Park.
 - All visitors are required to obtain a Visitor’s Permit for the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. Wildcat Mountain has its own trail fee.  State Park or State Trail passes are not valid on the Kickapoo Valley Reserve.
 - All trail riders must stay on the designated trails.
 - Trails are subject to closure due to wet conditions. Call ahead about current conditions - (608) 625-2960 or check KVR Facebook page.  Trail status is time and date stamped on the front page of our website.  Old 131 Trail and Star Valley Trail remain open for use during wet weather, unless posted otherwise. 
 - Remember that the terrain is challenging, so plan your route accordingly to avoid overworking your mount or yourself.
 - Highways and roads run in and along the Reserve.  Be cautious and courteous. Maintain a single file line and watch for oncoming traffic. When crossing bridges, it is usually safest to dismount and lead your horse.
 - Pack it in; pack it out! Leaving litter or trash in or around the Reserve is unacceptable.

Regardless of the time of year, the Reserve is one of the most beautiful tracts of land in all of the Midwest. Starting with the massed color displays of spring wildflowers, through the tropically dense green growth of mid-summer, and culminating with the brilliant autumn hues of hardwood timber that bring a glistening white winter, the scenery of the Reserve is compelling enough to find you wanting to return to the Valley time and time again.

Sign up for NIXLE to get emergency information while visiting the KVR. 


The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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