Kickapoo Valley Reserve Summer Adventure Day Camps2025 Registration opens February 2025
At the Kickapoo Valley Reserve’s summer adventure day camps, children will explore the trails, wetlands, and woods with our experienced, caring naturalists who help your child foster positive connections with nature. Hands-on activities, outdoor adventure and new friends await your child as they experience the outdoor world at its best. Summer Camp registration coming soon! Ages 2-3 Forest Fridays
Ages 4-5 Kinder Camp
Ages 6-7 Wonder Wanderers
Ages 8-10 Art Sprouts: The Art and Science of Nature Where the Wild Things Are Four Elements Nature Nuts
Ages 11-14 Wild World of Plants Wilderness Adventure Camp w/ optional overnight
Ages 11-17 Camp Inspire
Ages 13-17 Leadership Trail Camp Waterways Camp Black Ghost Fly Fishing Camp
KICKAPOO VALLEY RESERVE SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION, PAYMENT AND REFUND POLICY - PLEASE READ Camps will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment must be received to guarantee camp spot. A waiting list will be maintained for camps that fill to capacity. Those who do not gain enrollment will receive a full refund. If cancellation notice is received at least 21 days prior to the start of a program, a refund will be given less an administrative fee of 25%. If notice is received less than 14 days prior, no refund will be made. If the KVR cancels a program, there will be a full refund. Scholarships are available for financially disadvantaged students. Contact the KVR for more information. Confirmation of registration will be emailed within a week of receipt of your registration. Registration implies permission for photos to be used on the KVR website or other publications (student’s name will not be used) unless the KVR receives notification in writing prior to the program. |
Camps fill quickly. We will make every effort to keep this page, and the registration form updated when a camp is full. On the registration form, camps that are full will be indicated, and a waitlist will be available to sign up. If enough children sign up for a waiting list, we will make every effort to offer a second session of that camp, so be sure to put yourself on the waiting list of the preferred camp. If you choose to be on a waiting list, please do not pay for that camp until we contact you to confirm enrollment. Scholarships for camp are available.
Many thanks to our generous camp sponsors! 
