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Sharp-shinned Hawk - (Accipiter striatus) 



  • Small, slim, fast bird of prey;
    short rounded wings, long tail, thin legs
  • Adults dark above, rusty-reddish barring
  • Looks much like Cooper's Hawk, but smaller
  • Female significantly larger than male
  • Juvenile brown above with brown streaking
  • 9-13" (24-34 cm.)


  • Forests
  • Urban areas with woods

Additional Information

  • Common migrant, uncommon winter
  • Nests most often in northern half of state
  • Eats birds
  • Often hunting at bird feeders in winter

Comparable Species

  • Cooper's Hawk 

Sharp-shinned Hawk from the back

Sharp-shinned Hawk taking flight from a bird feeder

Sharp-shinned Hawk on a branch, showing breast markings 


The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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