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Ring-necked Duck - (Aythya collaris) 


  • Medium-size diving duck
  • Peaked head, white ring near end of bill
  • Male has dark purplish head, dark chest, back, and tail, grey sides with white spur near darker breast, thin white line around base of upper part of bill
  • Female generally brownish, darker above white eye ring and white area at sides of bill
  • 17" (43 cm.)


  • Northern lakes and ponds

Additional Information

  • Common migrant in KVR
  • Feeds by diving for food items, including
         snails, clams and tubers
  • Named for an inconspicuous field mark
    -- a subtle chestnut ring around the dark neck

Close Up photo of a ring-necked duck

Female Ring-necked Duck in water

Male Ring-necked Duck in flight

The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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