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Golden Eagle - (Aquila chrysaetos) 



  • Very large, dark raptor
  • Adult has golden wash on head and neck
         feathers, looks dark in poor light
  • Buffy undertail feathers
  • Juvenile has light patches at base of
         primaries under the wing, tail is white
         with dark band


  • Open areas, woods edge

Additional Information

  • Rare spring migrant, rare winter resident
  • Species of the western U.S., has local
         wintering areas farther east
  • May be confused with immature Bald Eagle
  • Powerful and agile hunter

Comparable Species

  • Juvenile Bald Eagle

Adult Golden eagle soaring

Juvenile Golden Eagle soaring 

The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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