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Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -
(Polioptila caerulea)



  • Small gray songbird
  • White eyering
  • Relatively long, dark tail with white
         outer feathers
  • 4.25" (11 cm.)


  • Deciduous forests

Additional Information

  • Uncommon spring migrant, fairly
         common summer resident
  • Gives high-pitched mew call
  • Calls frequently during nest-building
  • Nest built on horizontal branch well
         away from trunk
  • Uses spider silk and lichens and other
         plant materials for the nest
  • Forages in outer branches, often high 
         in canopy

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sitting on a branch

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on nest


The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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