Blackpoll Warbler - (Dendroica striata) Audio
- Small songbird
- Spring male has solid black cap with contrasting white cheeks
- Grey back, streaked with black
- White underparts with black streaks on flanks
- Two white wingbars
- Yellowish feet and legs
- Female much duller, more greenish grey, streaked back
- White below with streaks on sides
- Fall colors very dull--olive green on back, lighter below, and faintly streaked sides
- 5-5.5" (14 cm.)
- On migration, a wide variety of forested and shrubby areas
- Breeds in boreal spruce-fir forests, mostly north of Wisconsin
Additional Information
- Fairly common migrant
- Found in high tree tops
- Fall migration route is non-stop over open water from NE US for up to 2000 miles, for up to 88 hours (Cornell)
- Breeds in Northern Canada and Alaska
- Winters in northern South America