Black-and-white Warbler - (Mniotilta varia) Audio
- Small songbird
- Streaked black and white all over
- White wing bars
- Spotted undertail coverts
- Breeding male has black cheeks and throat
- Female and immatures generally whiter
- Below, whiter on face, white throat
- 5.25" (13 cm.)
- Mature or second growth mixed
deciduous and coniferous forests, generally in the northern half of WI - During migration, a variety of forested
and shrubby areas
Additional Information
- Fairly common migrant
- Early migrant, may be found as early
as mid-April
- Forages along tree trunks and branches
like a nuthatch - Song is a high, repetitive, squeaky
"wee-see, wee-see, wee-see"
- Breeds in extensive tracts of forest