Bay-breasted Warbler - (Dendroica castanea) Audio
- Small songbird
- Dark streaked back, creamy below
- Large white wingbars
- Male has chestnut crown, throat, and sides black eye patch, creamy patches on sides of neck
- Female, bright colors and bold patterns are lacking
- Fall plumage-- difficult to identify in fall! Both sexes may be greenish above, light below, varying amounts of pale chestnut on sides
- Nests in boreal spruce-fir forests, mostly north of Wisconsin
- During migration uses a wide range of forested habitats
Additional Information
- Fairly common migrant
- Local populations vary considerably as this species is a specialist that tracks spruce budworm outbreaks
- Song is a series of very high, squeaky notes
- Fall plumage of female and young similar to that of fall Blackpoll and Pine Warblers